What are different types of Python library || Pandas, Numpy, MatPlotLib, Scipy

Python libraries are built to carry out special tasks. Python libraries are a group of python functions. Python’s standard library is very extensive, offering a wide range of facilities. There are various types of python libraries.

Different types of Python libraries

1. Pillow

    Python Image Library is abbreviated as PIL. PIL is based on the PIL code structure. Pillow is a modern version of PIL. The Pillow library is used when we have to work with images. Pillow supports various types of Image formats like WebP, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PCX, PSD, IM, PDF, etc.

2. Pandas 

    Pandas is an open-source Python library. It provides a powerful data structure. The term PANDAS is derived from Panel Data. Pandas is mostly used in data science projects. It is a very fast and demonstrative python software package. Pandas allow easy organizing, representing, and manipulation of data. It provides various Series and DataFrame. Pandas provide a clean and easy code structure so people with basic knowledge of programming can easily work on it. 

3. Numpy

    Numpy is a popular array processing package of Python. It supports different dimensional arrays and matrices. Numpy provides many tools to manage arrays. It is very fast and efficient to manage arrays and matrices. Numpy easily integrates with other programming languages.

4. MatPlotLib

    MatPlotLib is a Python library that uses a python script to write 2-dimensional graphs. Mathematical and scientific applications require a 2-dimensional representation. MatPlotLib supports various types of plots. We can use MatPlotLib with different toolkits such as Python Scripts, IPython Shells, and Jupyter. MatPlotLib is easily integrated with third-party libraries.

5. SciPy

    SciPy is a free and open-source python library that is used for both scientific and technical computation. It supports machine learning and image manipulation. NumPy is an integrated part of SciPy. It also contains the numpy.lib.scimath.

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